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Monali Dental Clinic

Pain-Free Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment In Bhopal

We have often heard about the root canal treatment but what exactly is it?

Root Canal Treatment or rct is also known as Endodontic treatment. At the Monali Dental Clinic, we provide best root canal treatment in Bhopal at an affordable cost. With our modern dentistry equipment, we provide painless root canal treatment at a low cost.

Experience painless root canal treatments performed with precision and care. Dr. Monali Bajaj Gupta ensures that the process is comfortable, aiming to preserve your natural smile.

RCT basically helps in cleaning the interior of a diseased tooth which is then disinfected for preventing the loss of the tooth. With the improvements in technology and techniques, it is now a smooth and a pain-free practice.

What is Root Canal Treatment ?

The root canal treatment is also known as Endodontic treatment. This treatment is required when there is tooth decay or infection and because of which the dental nerve is affected. At The Monali Dental Clinic, we carry out this treatment with perfection without causing any damage to the pass way.

This treatment is needed when there is an incidence of cracked teeth or deep decay We comprise of proficient dentists who are known widely for their single sitting root canal treatment in Bhopal with the help of rotary endodontics and apex locators which makes this process easier and less painful. Give The Monali Dental clinic a chance and we assure you the best treatment.

Any injury to a tooth can result in pulp damage even in the absence of visible chips or cracks on the teeth. If you ignore the infected or inflamed pulp, it can lead to pain and tooth abscess. The symptoms that you possibly need root canal treatment are as follows:-

If you face any of these symptoms, you need to check your tooth with root canal treatment specialist in Bhopal.


7 Symptoms when you need RCT


Is Root Canal Treatment painful?

In modern times, every individual looks for the best solution for their dental problems. The most crucial part of the journey is that they want a top-notch permanent solution. When a person misses one or more than one tooth, then the thought of getting it replaced comes to the mind. Dental implants which are also known as tooth implants are one of the commonly recommended dental treatment for such patients. There are several benefits of tooth implants which provide the most long-term results in the form of a solution to the missing teeth in the respective patients. There are various other dental solutions for replacing the missing tooth area, but then the benefits of tooth implants are better than other solutions.

It is a myth that root canal treatment is quite painful and discomforting. In fact, the pain is caused by the infection in the tooth, and not by the dental treatment. The infection or inflammation can occur due to various reasons however most common being the resultant of deep decay or trauma. The treatment helps in alleviating the pain by treating the infection in the tooth root.

RCT basically helps in cleaning the interior of a diseased tooth which is then disinfected for preventing the loss of the tooth. With the improvements in technology and techniques, it is now a smooth and a pain-free practice. This treatment which earlier used to require multiple visits in can now be done in just a single visit.

The Monali Dental clinic is a popular dental clinic in Bhopal offering a painless root canal treatment in a single sitting. You do not require multiple visits for getting the treatment done. The Monali Dental also alleviates dental anxiety perfuse radiance to your smiles.

The proficient team at The Monali Dental clinic  makes use of painless techniques while you are undergoing your root canal treatment. This procedure is basically painless, where a local anaesthetic anaesthetizes the tooth and adjacent area for a comfortable treatment, which feels like a filling. The main implications for RCT are for necrosis, and irreversible pulpitis of the dental pulp caused either due to dental trauma, tooth cracks or chips.

Root canal treatment is performed for removing infected debris, organic tissue, and pathogenic bacteria from the system with the help of mechanical instrumentation connected with profuse irrigation with disinfecting agents. After it dries, the endodontic space is filled with a filling generally made from root canal material and gutta-percha, which is a rubber-based material.

The installation of a safe coronal seal finishes the RCT procedure. It is a common misunderstanding that root canal treatment can be quite painful, however, when you will actually experience it, it is not the same. Many people might be scared of the root canal as they are anxious about having dental work done.

There is no replacement to your natural tooth. Endodontic treatment, however along with appropriate restorative techniques is a cost-effective method for restoring your natural tooth. Other methods such as Bridges, implants and other solution for replacing are a quite costly and time-consuming affair. This treatment alleviates the tooth pain and helps in protecting the affected tooth. This treatment has a great success rate. Good oral hygiene apart from regular dental visits helps a root canal-treated teeth last for a very long time.

The Monali Dental clinic provides Painless root canal treatment in Bhopal, at low cost. Root Canal Treatment at The Monali Dental clinic is a painless, convenient and a single sitting procedure. We are more than happy! At The Dental Hub, we have a team of proficient trained professionals has helped numerous patients with their tooth issues with quality and economical dentistry. Contact our clinic to book an appointment.